
**Important** Annual General Meeting 09/11/2012

At the Extraordinary General Meeting on Friday 19th October 2012 a request was made for parents to assist with a wide range of voluntary roles within the club.

A number of parents have since come forward offering to fill Fundraising and Welfare related roles and their offer of assistance is greatly appreciated.

However, interest in other important roles at the club has not been so forthcoming.

It is therefore considered that the club cannot operate on the current number of parent volunteers helping out at the club and it has been decided that an Annual General Meeting will now be called to take place in Studio 2 (overlooking the pool) between 6pm and 7pm on Friday 9th November 2012.


Age Group Development

Tuesday 30th October

  Hi All To confirm that training will be as normal on Tuesday 30th October 2012. There will be no alterations or cancellation of sessions on this date. Kind Regards Danny Thompson      

COSASC Needs YOUR Support

The City of Sunderland ASC need to fill the following key roles within the club. Some of these roles are currently vacant, whilst some will be coming available in the next few months. As discussed at the Extraordinary General Meeting, the club has a challenging period ahead of it and your club needs your support to effectively tackle these challenges.



Extraordinary General Meeting – Report

A total of 53 parents attended the Club Extraordinary General Meeting held on 19/10/2012, where presentations were made by Chair Sheree Wilson, Secretary Alan Patterson and Lead Performance Coach Danny Thompson in relation to; Partnership Developments, Squad Changes, Appointment of the Assistant Performance Coach, Squad Fees and Club Governance.



Articles of Association

The Club Articles of Association are reproduced here from a previous posting on the club web-site from 02/04/2012, to assist members with background information in relation to discussions during the Extraordinary General Meeting held on 19/10/2012.



Extraordinary General Meeting 19/10/2012 – Update

An Extraordinary General Meeting will take place between 6pm and 7pm in the main Studio between 6pm and 7pm on Friday 19th October 2012. Any members who wish to submit questions for the committee prior to the night (e.g. if they are not able to attend or if it is anticipated that the answer may require some prior research), are invited to send these by e-mail to



Alex Opens Pool

Performance A athlete Alex Robinson cut the ribbon to officially open the re-furbished swimming pool at Monkwearmouth School in a ceremony attended by Local Councillors, Council Officials and School Staff.
