Attention All Members/ Parents of COSASC Swimmers

Our club desperately needs more timekeeper / judge 1 officials, to enable us to host galas for the benefit of all of our swimmers. Please find below, details of  courses being held for beginners wishing to help in these roles to ensure the future of club galas in the N&D area.

If anyone has any queries please contact Jo Boxall.

The Northumberland & Durham Counties Swimming Association is arranging

A Training Course leading to qualification as a British Swimming Official Judge Level 1

COURSE:Judge Level 1, including club timekeeper.

REQUIREMENTS:Must be a member of a swimming club. Minimum age for training is 15yrs, needs to be 16 by final assessment.

VENUE:Benfield Road School, Sports Centre, NE6 4NU.

DATE & TIME:Thursday, 8th October, 7 – 9 pm/ Thursday, 26th November, 7- 9pm

COST:Officials give their time free of charge for the benefit of swimmers.  The course cost is £8, but the North East Region will normally cover the cost for members of Swim 21 clubs and, also, most swimming clubs will cover this modest cost.

This session, the first of three, covers the duties of officials, what clothing and equipment will be needed and the role of the timekeeper.

APPLICATIONS for this course should be made to Fred Murray, by email, at: .  Applications can be made individually or via your swimming club.

Training within N&D is being delivered by a select team of trainers and is run from 3 centres spread around the Region. The training centres are: (1) The Louisa Centre, Stanley, Co Durham DH9 0TB. (2) Benfield Sports Centre, Benfield Road, Newcastle upon Tyne, NE6 4NU. (3) The Dolphin Centre, Darlington, DL1 5RP. Further courses will be available during the year at all 3 centres. Courses will be advertised on the N&D website:

Officiating is essential to the successful operation of competitive swimming in the North East. Without the support of volunteers as officials, many of the events within the Region and Nationally would just not happen. Becoming an official is a great way to provide support to your club and the swimmers within it, as well as giving you the opportunity to learn new skills and meet new people.

Clubs will be aware that they are required to send at least one qualified and licensed official to each session of Championship events (N&D) where they have swimmers competing. It is recommended that each club arranges to have a team of officials available to share this task between them.