Age Group Development

Sainsburys Vouchers

Sainsburys Voucher Scheme is coming to an end. Please send all vouchers you have to the club shop or squad managers by Friday 19th May 2017. Thank you for collecting!  

T30 2015/16 results out!

The Masters T30 is how far you can swim in 30 minutes. The results are calculated nationally. Congratulations to: Dave Hills 2nd in age group 2050 metres Norman Stephenson 3rd in age group 1790 metres Lindy […]

Masters Open Water

In 2015 quite a few COSASC members did the Great North Swim. How about 2016? In the Masters, Jeff Armstrong and Lindy Woodrow have already signed up for the 5 km. Anyone else? Here’s the link

Masters e-mail list

Some Masters have been unable to get alerts from posts on the web page. If you send me a your e-mail I can ensure you get posted of any Masters news

Contact person

I am now the point of contact for the Masters Squad. If you have any news or information about interesting swimming events or achievements please contact me then I can post this on our site.